Friday 8 February 2008

Marks for security work.

Natasha 9/10- Good. Phishing is where people send emails pretending to be a bank to get customer details, check your description. You say to use a computer to prevent human error - what about when a computer cannot be used? Training can also be used to prevent human error. Preventing theft not just up to a burglar alarm, what about CCTV, laptop locks, security locks on doors etc? Who are you writing this to? The tone changes throughout the article.

Emily 7/10- More needed about hardware failure. Repair people stealing data isn't the only risk, what about if a hard drive breaks and all data is lost? More needed about firewalls. Explain what they are in your own words and why they are needed. If more detail is added to all sections it will improve your grade.

Steph 9/10 - Good. Need to create a pdf. How is spyware a problem for your website?

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